Friday, January 06, 2006


So I wrote this whole thing and then the power went out, so here is a much shorter version. Elliott goes snorkeling for the first time, he plays soccer on the beach, meats Danish people and talks about legos, finds a stalker family from South Africa and reads 200 pages, and has no more money.

I woke up after my strange night with prostitutes and got an early breakfast and took off for snorkeling. We piled into a a little boat called a dow with 20 other people and set off towards an island off zanzibar. This boat was made out of wood and was very rocky over on the hour long trip. A little girl threw up.

At the coral reef we went snorkeling which was so much fun. I saw schools of fish, fish that were neon pink and green. Those fish had etches on their face that looked eerily familiar to circuits. I saw flounders, eels, and water snakes also. I saw this freaky looking red starfish. The favorite fish I saw was a purple fish that I am calling a flying fish. It's fins looked like wings and they went up and down instead of back and foreth. When I found one of these, I would just follow it around and see where it goes.

Snorkeling was really hard for me as I didn't really get directions and kind of just dived right in litteraly. My snorkel kept filling up with water and choking me. I drank so much salt water. Every 5 minutes I would get my snorkel full of water again.

At one point I resurfaced and an entire South African family was chilling up on the top. I just said outloud that my snorkel was filling every five seconds drowning me. They seemed to think that was real funny (south africans mostly speak English). I then had a friendly conversation of who I was before going back in the water. I asked the guide how much more time I have and he told me 15 minutes. I said, "Good, don't want you to leave me" at this point the SA family (South African) laughed histerically and told me that I should take as long as I want up to 4 hours, they will send regards to my family. On the way into the water, I told them to give my stereo to my brother.

At the end we all came back to get food. The SA family asked why I resurfaced. I told them drowning now would conflict with my desire to be eaten by a lion. They informed me in SA there are lots of lions.

The way home was an amazing trip, we got more than we paid for. The waves were ridicuously high and we seriously thought we were going to capsize. The best part was I was sitting in the front, and I would constantly get splashed with water. The salt water was hurting my eyes so I put on a snorkel mask. In addition everytime the water hit I would say "Argh!!". Amazingly Ben, BJ, and Teju followed suit and we were all dressed hillariously yelling pirate slander.

The boat would rock back and forth continuously, and at one point the boat got so full of water we had to stop and use buckets to get the water out. We saw a pack of dolphions too.

After that trip I took a walk up the beach and saw some kids playing beach soccer. Unlike Kenya, these kids were adults, there was about 30 of them, and they were playing on a field a fourth the size of a regular field. None the less I jumped right in. They kept giving me the thumbs up whenever I did anything good and at one point I almost headed in a goal . They were really aggressive.

At dinner Kelso brought to women from Denmark to eat with us that he had been eyeing. One of them Kristina and I had a very vivid conversation. At one point I yelled really loud "I LOVE legos" as Denmark is the lego capital of the world. Kristina is majoring in day care which socialist Denmark takes very seriously.

Later that night I brought out my stick and I was made fun of in Enlish for the first time. An irish lady asked me if that stick I dance with is a replacement for the women I can't get.

That night I meditated on the beach for a long time and read some more Reconstructing Christianity. My favorite quote:

"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you weird".

Today I spent as an incredibly lazy person. I just sat on the beach and read 200 pages of Angels and Demons, which is an amazing book by the way. It was wonderful. The SA family litterly stopped by to talk to me 6 times that day. Crazy! And they always ask me to tell them something funny.

Besides that I've been enjoying Zanzibar and totally relaxing which I hope to do a few more times before I get back to my busy life. Which will also be good because I will get to see you again!!! Huzzah!

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